What is praise?
by Steve Ham, AiG-U.S.
What human being has never had a
good old boast about himself? If we think about it seriously, it is a regular
thing. Letting others know of our achievements is an important pastime for
many. We love being cheered for, and this starts from the very beginning of our
It starts in our sin nature, and we nurture our desire for
cheers from the sideline. Our earliest ventures on to the sporting field are
embedded into our memories with excitement, not only for the game, but also for
the cheers of adoring parents. We love the pat on the back, and sadly most of
us love it a little too much. Our self-boasting and prideful attitude in this sin-cursed
world causes incredible problems, and it’s one of the major reasons for our
disputes. Everyone wants to look good, in our own eyes as well as in the eyes
of others. If that is taken away from us, we fight for its return—sometimes
with great energy.
We don’t just look for reasons to boast in ourselves. We
boast about anything that holds our affections. I have heard people
passionately boast about cars, computers, music, and even Christian speakers or
Bible translations. We tend to focus our attention where our affections lie,
and just like the opening appearance of a great performer in concert, the
spotlight shines, and the great expectation of applause resounds. Cheer, boast,
In the Bible, we are actually told to boast every time the
word “praise” appears—boasting is an element of this word. When we praise God,
we are essentially boasting about Him and cheering in reverent adoration of His
person and works. Unlike adoring fans at a performer’s concert, it is God who
shines His glorious light into our lives, revealing that everything about Him
is praiseworthy.
Praise is a response of worship. We sing boasts about the
greatness of our God with purity and vigor. We proclaim His greatness to others
in joy and excitement. We spread words of comfort to the afflicted as we
declare His goodness and sovereignty. We can confidently boast about our God in
any and all situations.
Therefore, boasting isn’t always ugly. It all depends on the
direction of the boasting and the object of our affection. Psalm
146 starts with three very significant little words—“Praise the
Lord!” The next four chapters take us to the end of the Psalms and each one
starts with these same words. It is a glorious crescendo of praise that we will
enjoy in the next several devotionals.
Today’s big idea: our praise to God is the reverent,
cheerful, and boastful adoration in response to His revelation.
What to pray: as you think of praising God, ask Him to point
your affections completely toward Him.