February 28
by Steve Ham, AiG–U.S.Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (
Today’s big question: what is the
result of spiritual bankruptcy?
The investment market is volatile and uncertain, yet
millions of Americans have pinned their hopes on the prospect that there will
be more ups than downs and eventually money will compound to give a positive
return. Nearly every day, we hear tales of victory or loss in the financial
markets. The evening news runs stories of someone who may have made a fortune
by floating their company or lost millions of dollars through crashing markets
or scandalous scamming. People enter the markets for profit, but I have never
met a sensible person who actually wants to be bankrupt.
In the light of God’s glory, our spirit is at the lowest of
lows—completely bankrupt. Our state before God would be hopeless without His
mighty and gracious solution of salvation through Christ. But the result is
exceedingly glorious.
The kingdom of heaven is found only in Christ. It is His
kingdom. This is a kingdom inherited by sinners casting their bankrupt,
hopeless situation before the only One who can turn it into a rich and hopeful
situation. Just think: heaven will be filled with bankrupts. Every person in
heaven will be a bankrupt turned into an heir of eternal riches.
Amazingly, we have access to that kingdom right now. Thanks
to the completed work of Jesus Christ, who is exalted and reigning, we are
partakers of that kingdom. What a thrill to know that we not only have access
to His kingdom, but we shall also reign with Christ.
Since this kingdom is gained when a bankrupt spirit calls
upon God, how did it originally come about?
For you know the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that
you through His poverty might become rich. (2
Corinthians 8:9)
The riches of the kingdom of heaven are available to us
because our God came to live among a poverty-stricken humanity and He endured
the burden of our sin on the Cross. It is through the poverty of our Savior
that we will be raised to His exalted glory. This is a glory that lasts forever
and ever.
This is the ultimate result of the first revealing step of
spiritual bankruptcy—a bankruptcy that leads to true riches. What a contrast to
the people in this world who focus their attention one earthly riches, which
result in eternal bankruptcy.
Today’s big idea: those who become spiritually bankrupt can
become rich through Christ. What to pray: Lord, help me to gaze
upon your rich and glorious prize.
Source: http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/2011/07/01/result-of-spiritual-bankruptcy